Even the simplest Kitchen or bath remodel CAN take a FEW weeks and involve more than a dozen trades. More complex renovations or room additions CAN take months. If YOU choose to remain in your home during construction. YOU'LL BE living with OUR crew of designers. Carpenters. And other trades people on a daily basis. And if YOU move OUT. YOU'LL BE entrusting your property — and sometimes even your pets — to US. Because of this trust. We carefully screen and RUN security checks on OUR in house staff of carpenters. DRYWALLERS. Painters and electricians. We've Also worked with the same core group of exceptional subcontractors for many years. Interior trends minimizes disruptions by maximizing your sense of trust. AS HANDS-ON owners. We supervise every JOB on a daily basis. OUR contracts provide a detailed timeline with firm start and completion dates. And we keep YOU apprised of OUR progress. We avoid delays by making sure critical supply items are on site before construction begins. We treat your home AS if it were OUR OWN. Whether that means watering your plants or walking your DOG! OUR mission is simple: to provide OUR clients with the highest quality turnkey services in the design and remodel of kitchens. Bathrooms. Additions. And other residential building needs. Attending to the needs of OUR customers. OUR service is provided before. During. And after the sale. OUR success is the result of OUR high standards and precision in ALL OUR work. To depict OUR success. We've Incorporated the "plumb BOB" in OUR Company logo. This cone shaped metal weight. Whose USE dates back to the pyramids. Establishes a precise vertical line. ALL OUR work mirrors the precision afforded by this tool!.