Contact Details
42409 N River Dr., Sweet Home, Oregon 97386(541) 818-0544
Iron Mountain Imports does business through our website and through mailorder catalogs. We do not have a physical store. In addition to the 110 products for under $20 on our website, we offer over 1,000 high-quality products in our 355-page "World of Products" mailorder catalog. Our mailorder catalogs are $6.00 each and come with a $10.00 Gift Certificate that is redeemable on our website. Catalogs may be ordered by phone, snail-Oumail or email. Iron Mountain Imports makes every effort to see that your orders are shipped correctly and that they reach you safely. Every order shipped from Iron Mountain Imports is dougle-checked for accuracy.Iron Mountain Imports' quality control procedure is one of the most stringent in the industry. In addition to retaining overseas inspectors, each shipment is spot-checked on arrival. Iron Mountain Imports uses plastic "air-pillows" as cushioning material when packing your order. This packing material offers excellent protection with minimal environmental impact. In selecting merchandise Iron Mountain Imports seeks the best value, which takes into account price as well as quality. We believe we offer the best quality for the lowest possible price. Remember, quality is subjective ad viewed differently by each person. Uou must receive prior authorization to return an item to Iron Mountain Imports. To obtainauthorization to return an item for credit or replacement, simply call Iron Mountain Imports within 30 days of purchase.
If a purchased item includes a product guarantee or warranty, follow the instructions on the guarantee or waranty for repair or replacement.
All merchandise damaged during shipment is covered by the shipper. If you receive merchandise damaged during shipping, please contact Iron Mountain Imports within 30 days of the date of shipment of your order, and your claim will be processed immediately.
(541) 818-0544