Abundant Living Medical is a specialty clinic system located in Lexington, KY. ALM specializes in the following areas:
- Natural Hormone Replenishment
- Natural Testosterone Replenishment
- Thyroid & Adrenal Treatment
- Personalized Vitamin Plans
- Medical Weight Loss
- Food Sensitivity Diagnosis
Abundant Living Medical offers patients a natural, safe, and affordable alternative to synthetic hormone replacement therapy.
Natural Hormone Replenishment had remained widely unknown in KY until mid-2009 when Abundant Living Medical (ALMC) debuted the first commercials discussing the issue. Treating hormone deficiencies with Natural Hormone Replenishment involves the restoration of declining hormone levels using exactly the same hormones that our bodies should be producing. By restoring the body's natural hormone levels, patients can avoid debilitating symptoms such as tiredness, chronic fatigue, weight gain, poor focus and concentration, and even depression.
Natural hormones have proven to be far superior to other well-known artificial hormones such as Premarin, Provera, Prempro, Synthroid, etc. The failure of Premarin, derived from pregnant mare (horse) urine, Prempro and Provera were well documented in the 2003 Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) study where increased rates of cancer, cardiovascular events (heart attacks and stroke), and weight gain were among the multiple adverse side effects related to the use of these synthetic (unnatural) hormones.