Contact Details
144 S Mason St, Fort Collins, Colorado 80524(970) 224-4138
What We're About Everyday Joe's was never meant to be a Christian coffee house. It is a coffee house run by Christians. We're interested in developing and fostering something our society seems to value less & less - community and relationships. It's also nice to see people will get on board with that. We are interested in expressing the presence of the Living Christ in Oldtown. However, we don't think this is accomplished through handing out a Bible with each latte and blasting certain tunes over the speakers. For the last little while, the idea of wolves & lambs being in the room together has served as a proper illustration of what we hope to accomplish...being a place where anyone can come and use the computer and get a cup of coffee and warm up. Where city government officials can meet, lawyers can wait for verdicts, students can study, and a person who lives on the streets can read a book and feel loved and try to get back on their feet. These are people whom most wouldn't think of as sharing a room, but it's what we see within the walls of 144 S. Mason every single day.
(970) 224-4138