Gitta's Table And Wine Shop, in Avon Lake, OH, is the area's leading carry-out restaurant serving Avon Lake, Bay Village, Avon, and surrounding areas. We offer sandwiches, salads, wine, catering, wine tastings, craft beer, and much more. For all your restaurant and party needs, visit Gitta's Table And Wine Shop, in Avon Lake. HOLIDAY HOURS: Saturday, December 24th - OPEN 10:00am to 4:00pm Sunday, December 25th - CLOSED Monday, December 26th – CLOSED Saturday, December 31st – OPEN 10:00am to 6:00pm Gitta's Table will be CLOSED FOR VACATION January 1st through January 11th. OPEN AGAIN on Thursday, January 12th! JOIN US FOR "EVERYTHING HAS TO GO DAY" ON NEW YEAR'S EVE! All Prepared Food - 50% OFF Packaged Food - 25% OFF