Our story begins in 2008, when two young friends graduated from NAU with Hotel and Restaurant Management Degrees. Seven years later Mike set off to Chicago to purchase and build our first food truck know as GringoDillas located behind 7 east Aspen Ave, Flagstaff, Arizona where we serve late night goodies to the bar goers of downtown Flagstaff! Later in 2014 Eldan moved to Flagstaff again to join his fellow NAU graduate in his business. Together they hand built our second food truck, Falafelicious! Our new Drive-Thru shack is called GoGo'Z. We will be serving you delicious creations throughout the entire day! You can find our first food truck serving our GringoDillas concept 7 nights a week from 9pm-3am, in the alley way by Flag Brew. You can also now find our drive-thru shack at 1750 East Route 66, serving breakfast, Falafelicious, GringoDillas and the BBBQ and also whatever else we are cooking up that day! ALso make sure to keep your eyes peeled for either of our food trucks at your local breweries, farmers markets and festivals!